Besides other major items previously discussed like rods, reels, and line, there other items you should think about purchasing to make your fishing experience more enjoyable and safer.
Sunglasses – Sunglasses are a must in my opinion. They provide UV protection for your eyes but more importantly, they keep that fly from hooking your eye. When looking at sunglasses, make sure they are polarized. Polarized glasses reduce the suns glare off the water and allow you see your fly (and the fish underwater) much better.
Nets – Nets make landing your fish easier and, when used correctly, are better for the fish as well. When landing a fish with a net, you can actually keep the fish in the water when removing your fly, reducing the stress on the fish.
Fly Boxes – Fly boxes are used to organize and store your flies. They come in a couple basic styles. One has individual compartments that usually hold several flies. Other fly boxes have a soft Styrofoam type material that you can hook your flies on. Organize them anyway you want.
Hats – A good quality, wide-brim hat is a nice accessory you can add to your collection. It will keep the rain off your head in wet weather. It will protect your face and ears from the sun. And on cold days, keep you warm. A hat can also keep that errant fly from snagging your head.